A New Website for Redkey Transportation
About the Client
Redkey Transportation Services requested a professional-looking, informative website to promote their services and appear in search results. While building this site, I provided in-depth photo editing to remove the background and flip the wording on each vehicle, suggested a FAQ section for their potential clients, recommended featuring their top-notch safety process, and developed two forms to help drive quotations. I also created in-depth SEO that included keywords, image tags, Google Analytics, indexed on Google and Bing, and ensured their site would appear in local searches.
Goals of the Project
➡️ Create leads and attract new clients
➡️ Organize: build forms that are easily accessible for schools and parents to request transportation quotes — and provide an easy way to store & organize submissions
➡️ Convey Redkey’s commitment to safety and inclusion
➡️ Attract new school districts, as well as airport requests, etc.
➡️ Try to use as few web pages as possible
Home Page
About Page
Services Page
Jan - Aug 2024
Website Statistics
1,800 website visitors
560 visitors from a Google Search (SEO)
35 visitors from social media
356 direct visitors (postcards, email, business cards, etc)
Visitor Engagement
44 form submissions
118 button clicks (interested visitors)